Our Research Strategy

Dravet Syndrome UK’s five-year strategy for 2021-2026 sets out our aim to deliver ongoing and new research that puts the needs of the families living with Dravet Syndrome at its heart.

There is a lot of genetic research underway, which gives us hope that, in the future, there will be effective gene-based therapies to treat Dravet Syndrome.

But there are many challenges faced by families living with Dravet Syndrome today that haven’t been researched enough.

Our studies are addressing these gaps. It’s why we prioritise research into:

  • Understanding, treating and improving care for the non-seizure related aspects of Dravet Syndrome (known as ‘comorbidities’), including intellectual disability, autism, ADHD, behaviours that challenge and difficulties with speech, mobility, eating and sleep.
  • Treatment and care for adults (aged 16+) with Dravet Syndrome, from transition through to later life.
  • Understanding the impact of the changing climate on people with Dravet Syndrome
  • Exploring how social care can help to improve the quality of life of people affected by Dravet Syndrome

We also support medical research into Dravet Syndrome by collaborating with researchers and companies developing treatments. Our aim is to bridge the gap between families affected by Dravet Syndrome and researchers. We make sure research meets the needs of families living with the condition and that their voices and priorities are heard as studies are developed. 

Read our five-year strategy to find out more about our research aims.