Our Partners

We are grateful for the support of our corporate donors, grant-making trusts and organisations who contribute essential funds, enabling us to deliver our mission to improve the lives of those living with Dravet Syndrome through support, education and research. 

Without their support, we would not be able to provide the range of services that make such a difference to families living with Dravet Syndrome. You can find out more about the impact of donations here. 

If you, your grant-making trust or your business would like to discuss working with us, please contact our Head of Fundraising, Tania Lewis, on [email protected] 


Corporate Partners

We’d like to give special thanks to XTX Markets for being our corporate partner since 2018. Their continued support has enabled us to make considerable progress in delivering against our charitable aims, contributing towards a range of projects including family support, education and empowerment, and research projects. Find out more about XTX markets here.

We would also like to thank Roofdec, Cubefunder and Kid-A for their ongoing support, involvement and dedication.

Thank you also to the staff of Anglian Water for making us their Pennies from Heaven partner for 2024-2025.

Support from pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies

We are grateful for continued support from the pharmaceutical/biotech industry and medical devices sector. The unrestricted educational grants that we receive enable a range of family support and educational projects. We are also grateful for sponsorship of our biennial conference. 

Companies that have provided grants and sponsorship in recent years include: Biocodex, Encoded Therapeutics, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Liva Nova, Stoke Therapeutics, Takeda and UCB. 

We declare details of grants and sponsorship in our Annual Reports submitted to the Charity Commission. There is no involvement by companies in the development or content of activities enabled by grants and sponsorship from this industry sector. 

Support from grant-making trusts

We’d like to thank St James’s Place Charitable Foundation for funding our bereavement grants since 2021. 

We were delighted to be awarded a grant from the Wilmington Trust in January 2024. The grant contributed towards the costs of our Annual Weekend Away at Center Parcs, including family attendance grants (taking place in 2024).

We would like to thank the Xerox Trust and the Bergqvist Charitable Trust for contributions towards our Seizure Monitor Fund.

Part of the CZI Rare As One Network

In 2024, we were thrilled to be one of the first international patient organisations to join the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Rare As One (Cycle 3) network, receiving a 5-year capacity building grant to drive collaboration and help accelerate our research and scientific engagement activities.