Challenging Behaviour

Challenging behaviour is a term used to talk about behaviours which some people with a severe intellectual disability may display when their needs aren’t being met.

It’s very common for people of all ages who are living with Dravet Syndrome to develop behaviours that challenge. It can be difficult to manage and is often more of a disruption to daily family life than dealing with seizures.

Some reasons for challenging behaviour

It’s important to address challenging behaviour and not feel that it’s something you just have to live with. There’s never any need to feel embarrassed about challenging behaviour. It can happen because a child or adult doesn’t understand a situation. For example, due to language difficulties or the environment. Challenging behaviour can also be a way of communicating or because someone is in pain. It’s not bad parenting.

Getting support

The term ‘challenging behaviour’ is not a ‘diagnosis’. However, it’s still important to raise it with the person with Dravet Syndrome’s medical team, particularly as some aspects of challenging behaviour can be improved with appropriate treatment. The medical team can help identify the specific behaviour issue, and put a plan in place to manage it.

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

This charity provides information and resources focusing on children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.

Other conditions

Find out about other conditions associated with Dravet Syndrome.