About Dravet Syndrome
Our website holds a lot of guidance, information, updates and resources for families affected by Dravet Syndrome. If you’re looking for more on the condition itself, you’ll find it here.
Dravet Syndrome UK is a UK-based charity and as such we are only able to support families based in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
If you are a family residing outside of the UK and you are looking for information on how to get a diagnosis, availability of treatments and other support local to your country, then unfortunately we are unable to advise and can only signpost you to a local organisation.
Below is a helpful list of other Dravet Syndrome associations or Epilepsy associations to contact for more information and advice.
Dravet Syndrome European Foundation, including the following European countries:
Croatia – Dravet Sindrom Hrvatska
Denmark – Dravet Danmark
France – Alliance Syndrome de Dravet
Germany – Dravet Syndrom e.V.
Italy – Dravet Italia Onlus
Italy – Gruppo Famiglie Dravet
Ireland – Dravet Syndrome Ireland
Netherlands – Stichting Dravet Syndroom Nederland/Vlaanderen
Norway – Epilepsiforbundet Dravet syndrom
Poland – Dravet.Pl
Portugal – Associacao Sindrome de Dravet Portugal
Serbia – Dravet Sindrom Srbija
Slovenia – Dravet Slovenija
Spain – Apoyo-Dravet
Spain – Fundación Síndrome de Dravet
Sweden – Dravets Syndrome Sweden
Switzerland – Dravet Schweiz Syndrome Association
International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – European Chapters
USA – Dravet Syndrome Foundation USA
International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – North America Chapters
International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – Latin America Chapters
International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – Africa Chapters
Japan – Dravet Syndrome Japan
India – Organisation for Rare Diseases India
International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – Asia & Oceania Chapters
International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – Eastern Mediterranean Chapters
Our website holds a lot of guidance, information, updates and resources for families affected by Dravet Syndrome. If you’re looking for more on the condition itself, you’ll find it here.
Our updated and expanded Family Guide is now available to download. While this is focussed on support for families residing in the UK, there is plenty of information about the condition that you may find useful here.